Darlington County School District is now holding evening classes at the old Spaulding Elementary School in Lamar.
Evening classes are being held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 – 7:30.
While there is already a session going for a set of enrolled students, students interested in enrolling for the October session can do so with pre-registration.
To enroll for a high school diploma, please visit the DCSD adult education link here.
Once you complete the required fields, Mrs. Linda Moya-Mendez will contact you within 7 days to be enrolled in Apex and provide further information.
For students that need a lot of credits to receive their degree, DCSD will counsel those and suggest the GED program.
The next GED registration event will be held October 12, 13, and 14, 2021 from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Potential students will need to attend all three evenings to receive their instruction schedules for the following week.
If you would like more information about the Adult Education programs that the Darlington County School District offers, you can visit their website here or give the Director Allison Baker a call at 843-398-2856.