The Hurricane Florence Recovery Program brings assistance to single family homes or mobile homes that were damaged by Hurricane Florence.
The South Carolina Disaster Recovery Office has listed eight eligible counties for assistance: Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Marlboro and Marion.
Individuals seeking repairs damaged by Hurricane Florence may visit here to apply. Citizens may also apply in person at 2543 East Hwy 76, Suite 110, Marion, SC 29571.
The Hurricane Florence Recovery Program also includes home buyouts for citizens located in the floodplain of Dillon, Horry and Marion counties. HUD has identified only these counties are qualified due to being most impacted and distressed as a result of Hurricane Florence. Citizens interested need apply at the link above and they will be notified of potential buyout eligibility once the environmental review process confirms the home is in a floodplain.
Owners of rental housing located in the 8 counties can apply to participate in the Hurricane Florence rental repair program. The program is eligible for rental properties of up to two units with a cap of $50,000 in repairs for each unit. Owners must agree to rent the homes to tenants that are 80% or below the area median income for 5 years after the repairs are complete. Those interested may call 844-410-8560 for more details of the Rental Housing Repair Program.
The South Carolina Disaster Recovery Office has paired up with Horne LLP, to conduct additional mobile intakes in the eligible counties over the next several months. Upcoming mobile intake sites can be found here.
Application deadline is July 31, 2021. For more information, call 844-410-8560 or visit the Storm Recovery website here.