The Lamar Police Department is requesting any information on the whereabouts of this trailer or information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for taking this black in color dump trailer with decals, as pictured below.
From the Desk of Chief Scott:
Citizens of the Town of Lamar have voiced concerns about the following actions occurring within the Town limits of Lamar.
Ding dong ditching / Doorbell ditching
Ding-dong-ditching is a classic childhood mischief game where a group of kids sneak up to a household, rings the doorbell or bangs on the door, before sprinting away to hide in a nearby bush or car.
The act of ding dong ditching is considered CRIMINAL TRESPASS. Criminal trespass falls under two categories.
You can be charged with disturbing the peace OR trespassing.
PENALTY: Up to 30 days in jail and/or a fine if convicted.
Egging a House in South Carolina / Vandalism
It does not matter whether the property you damaged was public or private, you can still be charged with malicious injury.
For example, breaking a window, keying a car, or egging a building are ALL considered MALICIOUS INJURY under South Carolina law.
PENALTY: South Carolina code 16-11-510: Malicious Injury to Personal Property
Damage Cost | Offense Level | Imprisonment |
Less than $2,000 | Misdemeanor | Up to 30 days |
$2,000 – $10,000 | Felony | Max of 5 yrs in prison in SC |
$10,000 or more | Felony | Max of 10 yrs in prison in SC |
If you recognize this bicycle, please contact Chief Scott. The person riding this bicycle was involved in the doorbell ditching mischief around Town.
If anyone has any further information, please contact the Lamar Police Department. 843-326-5555
A resident has shared a video from a recent doorbell ditching episode.

The Lamar Police Department request the assistance of our citizens in obtaining information in the theft of this 2015 Horton dual axle trailer.
The trailer was taken from South Railroad Ave.
The subject vehicle is a white in color Ford Explorer Sport Trac with black wheels.
Anyone having information can contact Chief Scott, you will remain anonymous.
Image of the stolen trailer
Images of the subject truck
7/28/2022 (Update 7/29/2022: Ms. Hubbard has been located.)
Sheriff James Hudson Jr. and the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office are requesting the publics assistance locating a missing person.
Ashley Michelle Hubbard, 28-year-old white female, was reported missing by a relative on 07/27/2022.
Ms. Hubbard was last seen on 07/15/2022 in the Clara Rd area of Darlington County.
If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Ms. Hubbard, please contact the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office at 843-398-4501
The Lamar Police Department seeks your assistance in identifying a subject in reference to passing counterfeit bills. If you have any information, please contact Chief Scott at 843-326-5555 or 843-639-3900
The Lamar Police Department is looking to the public for information in regards to a hit and run accident on Saturday, January 8, 2022.
If you can identify this vehicle owner or have information in regards to the incident, please contact Chief Scott at the Police Department.
Police Department: 843-326-5555
Anonymous Tip Line: 843-326-1449
On the evening of September 8, 2021, there were several sightings of a white male wearing an bright tangerine, orange colored shirt and jean shorts walking through yards and knocking on doors between 12:30am and 4am.
There has not been any complainant of any criminal actions at this time.
If you see anything or anyone suspicious on your property please contact 9-1-1 or the non-emergency number to dispatch 843-398-4920 for an immediate response.
***UPDATE: The Smoke Testing has been postponed until further notice.
Attention: Town of Lamar Residents and Occupants
The Town of Lamar Water and Sewer Department will be conducting smoke testing of its sanitary sewer system.
This smoke testing is set to begin AUGUST 31, 2021 and could last for several days.
An important task of the testing will be to locate breaks and defects in the sewer system, and also to reveal sources of where storm water and other surface water may be entering the sewer system.
A non-toxic smoke will be used in the tests. Please note, some smoke may enter your home or place of business because your plumbing appliances are connected to the sewer system.
Should traces of smoke or odor enter your house or building, please call the Lamar Water and Sewer Department 843-326-5551.
Please click here for the full Public Notice of smoke testing to begin tomorrow, AUGUST 31, 2021.
Attention: Town of Lamar Residents
A young man by the name of Drew Speaks is in the Lamar area as an independent representative of Southwestern Advantage. Southwestern Advantage is an organization offering educational products, books and other biblical literature to the public for a cost. Young interns representing Southwestern Advantage use their summer to help support their college funding and provide educational products to the public.
Drew has been granted permission by Chief Scott to be in the area. We bring this to your attention as you may receive a knock on the door from this young man or see him on the streets within city limits. He is only to operate from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Chief Scott. Drew understands that if a potential customer is not interested in one of his products, he is to leave the residence immediately.